Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pillow Version 1.1

After much sweat, hair-pulling, and threats on my laptop's life, I have hashed out the first update to my Pillow Android application. The main goal was to implement the system for smooth looping audio playback (meaning no cuts or blips when the user rotates the phone or presses buttons). Being new to Android development—and, indeed, Java programming in general—I spent the better portion of my Saturday mucking about on various reference websites and wallowing in misunderstood code examples. My method was as follows:
  1. Search Google for keywords relating to the subject (Android, Service, Context, Intent, etc.)
  2. Locate a promising link and read the material
  3. Copy code snippets and hack, paste, cut, and spew the bits all over my project
  4. Test the changes
  5. Wish I hadn't made such drastic alterations as I attempt to reverse them
  6. Repeat
You can imagine, I'm sure, how frustrating this all can be to a programmer nascent to the language. I have only a dim perception of how most of it works, and the rest is trial and error.

At the end of the day, I had managed to add a menu whereon my one test clip can be toggled on and off. So far, it seems to loop smoothly and run stably. I'm crossing my fingers.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pillow App Hits Android Market

As I sat in a chair in the office at work today, waiting to be released by higher-ups, boredom threatened to strike. My coworkers and I whipped out our smartphones and started surfing the WWW via GGG, sending txts via MMS and SMS, and downloading and trying new apps in an attempt to retain good attitudes and morale—not to mention consciousness. The work day had been long and grueling, and everyone's heads were drooping low. In a moment of enlightenment, I rested my face lazily against the screen of my Motorola Droid and announced, "Someone should make a pillow app."

Someone did.

That someone is me. I couldn't get it off my mind; how simple, how silly! A pillow displayed comfortingly on the screen of your cellphone, ready to lull your mind into a warm, hazy place of rest.

Currently only a picture, future plans involve ambient sounds and white noise options to soothe you to sleep. These will come with timers and alarms for automatic shutoff. The pillow will also be customizable with different pillowcases, and a foofing ability will allow you to give your pillow that extra fluff when it starts to feel (ahem—look) a trifle flat.

Stay tuned!